The Student Forecasting Society

For the study and practice for forecasting.

What is Forecasting?

Forecasting is the systematic practice of predicting future events, while expressing uncertainty probabilistically and keeping score and record of real outcomes. It is both a research field and practical community, covering various domains such as finance, politics, technology, and many more, driven by the mission of advancing our decision-making.

What is The Student Forecasting Society?

The Student Forecasting Society (SFS) is a community of students and professionals passionate about forecasting. Our mission is twofold:

  1. Practice: SFS runs forecasting challenges that encourage the production of high-quality forecasts.

  2. Education: SFS teaches a curriculum to equip students with the skills to generate high-quality forecasts.

We are based out of KU Leuven and recognized by LOKO.

Why does Forecasting matter?

Forecasting enables decision-making with a higher degree of transparency, accountability, and accuracy in an uncertain world. It arms us with the foresight to navigate complexities in diverse fields like public policy, business, and personal planning, through effective risk management, more efficient resource allocation, and continuous learning.

How to Get Involved

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